vBomHeaderRec bom_bo_pub.bom_head_rec_type := bom_bo_pub.g_miss_bom_header_rec;
vBomRevisionTbl bom_bo_pub.bom_revision_tbl_type := bom_bo_pub.g_miss_bom_revision_tbl;
vBomComponentTbl bom_bo_pub.bom_comps_tbl_type := bom_bo_pub.g_miss_bom_component_tbl;
vBomRefDesignatorTbl bom_bo_pub.bom_ref_designator_tbl_type := bom_bo_pub.g_miss_bom_ref_designator_tbl;
vBomSubComponentTbl bom_bo_pub.bom_sub_component_tbl_type := bom_bo_pub.g_miss_bom_sub_component_tbl;
vErrorMessageList error_handler.error_tbl_type;
xBomHeaderRec bom_bo_pub.bom_head_rec_type;
xBomRevisionTbl bom_bo_pub.bom_revision_tbl_type;
xBomComponentTbl bom_bo_pub.bom_comps_tbl_type;
xBomRefDesignatorTbl bom_bo_pub.bom_ref_designator_tbl_type;
xBomSubComponentTbl bom_bo_pub.bom_sub_component_tbl_type;
xReturnStatus varchar2(2000);
xMsgCount number;
i number := 1;
fnd_global.apps_initialize(00, 00, 702);
vBomComponentTbl(i) := bom_bo_pub.g_miss_bom_component_rec;
vBomComponentTbl(i).transaction_type := 'UPDATE';
vBomComponentTbl(i).organization_code := 'XX';
vBomComponentTbl(i).assembly_item_name := 'XX';
vBomComponentTbl(i).start_effective_date := to_date('0000/00/00 00:00:00','yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss');
vBomComponentTbl(i).component_item_name := 'XX';
vBomComponentTbl(i).wip_supply_type := 1;
vBomComponentTbl(i).item_sequence_number := 10;
vBomComponentTbl(i).operation_sequence_number := 1;
bom_bo_pub.process_bom(p_bo_identifier => 'BOM',
p_api_version_number => 1.0,
-- this parameter is required. it is used by the
-- api to compare the version number of incoming
-- calls to its current version number.
p_init_msg_list => true,
-- this parameter is set to true, allows callers to
-- to request that the api do the initialization
-- of message list on their behalf.
p_bom_header_rec => vBomHeaderRec,
-- this is a set of data structures that represent
-- the incoming business objects. this is a record
-- that holds the bill of materials header for the
-- bom
p_bom_revision_tbl => vBomRevisionTbl,
-- all the p*_tbl parameters are data structure
-- that represent incoming business objects they
-- are pl/sql tables of records that hold records
-- for each of the other entities.
p_bom_component_tbl => vBomComponentTbl,
p_bom_ref_designator_tbl => vBomRefDesignatorTbl,
p_bom_sub_component_tbl => vBomSubComponentTbl,
x_bom_header_rec => xBomHeaderRec,
-- all the x*_tbl parameters are data structure
-- that represent outgoing business objects they
-- are pl/sql tables of records that hold records
-- for each of the other entities except now they
-- have all the changes that the import program
-- made to it through all the steps.
x_bom_revision_tbl => xBomRevisionTbl,
x_bom_component_tbl => xBomComponentTbl,
x_bom_ref_designator_tbl => xBomRefDesignatorTbl,
x_bom_sub_component_tbl => xBomSubComponentTbl,
x_return_status => xReturnStatus,
-- this is a flag that indicates the state of the
-- whole business object after the import.
-- 'S' - success
-- 'E' - error
-- 'F' - fatal error
-- 'U' - unexpected error
x_msg_count => xMsgCount,
-- this holds the number of messages in the api
-- message stack after the import.
p_debug => 'N', p_output_dir => '',
p_debug_filename => '');
dbms_output.put_line('Return Status = ' || xReturnStatus);
dbms_output.put_line('Message Count = ' || xMsgCount);
if xReturnStatus <> 'S' then
-- error processing
for k in 1 .. xMsgCount
dbms_output.put_line(to_char(k) || ' MESSAGE TEXT ' ||
substr(vErrorMessageList(k).message_text, 1, 250));
dbms_output.put_line(to_char(k) || ' MESSAGE TYPE ' || vErrorMessageList(k).message_type);
end loop;
-- the business object apis do not issue commits or rollbacks. it is the responsibility of
-- the calling code to issue them. this ensures that parts of the transactions are not left
-- in the database. if an error occurs, the whole transaction is rolled back.
end if;